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Design office

Our skills and experience allow us to analyze the deployment of a Wi-Fi solution in your establishment. We are doing a feasibility study which consists of  :


1) Technical visit:


Your technical manager accompanies us on site to answer our questions relating to the building(s) and your needs.

This study answers the following questions:

  • What are the possible sources of interference?

  • Can certain building materials attenuate signals?

  • What coverage do you want?

  • What performance is required?

  • Etc.

2) Predictive “site survey”:


We carry out a theoretical study of Wi-Fi coverage based on the plans of your building, which allows us to plan the deployment of antennas at strategic locations.


This study allows you to obtain a budget estimate for your project.

Taper sur un ordinateur portable
Travailler dans un bureau ensoleillé

3) “Site survey” on site


A study of the propagation of the Wi-Fi signal within your establishment. This allows you to obtain a detailed report of the observations and analyzes carried out, including:


  • Validation of the number and location of access points to be deployed;

  • Bandwidth capacity;

  • The current occupation of Wi-Fi channels;

  • The various disturbing signals present when taking the measurements;

  • Wifi network coverage;

  • Recommendations and best practices;

  • Etc.

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